Free Music & Choreography

Hula Hoopin'

Hula Hoopin'

Penny Prima's Hula Hoopin' song provides a great rhythm and beat for using hula hoops as a fun activity in your classes! You can find the song for free on Spotify and Apple Music....

Hula Hoopin'

Penny Prima's Hula Hoopin' song provides a great rhythm and beat for using hula hoops as a fun activity in your classes! You can find the song for free on Spotify and Apple Music....

5678 Welcome Dance - Music & Choreography

5678 Welcome Dance - Music & Choreography

Penny Prima's 5678 (Welcome Song) is the perfect way to start off your young dancer classes!  The song is a great way for your dancers to say hello to all of...

5678 Welcome Dance - Music & Choreography

Penny Prima's 5678 (Welcome Song) is the perfect way to start off your young dancer classes!  The song is a great way for your dancers to say hello to all of...

We're Gonna Keep on Dancing - Music & Choreography

We're Gonna Keep on Dancing - Music & Choreography

Penny Prima's We're Gonna Keep on Dancing song is the perfect way to end your young dancer classes!

We're Gonna Keep on Dancing - Music & Choreography

Penny Prima's We're Gonna Keep on Dancing song is the perfect way to end your young dancer classes!