Giving A Prima Perfect Studio Tour

Giving A Prima Perfect Studio Tour

When families come to our studio inquiring about classes, we always have our staff give them a tour of our studio. If you’re wondering, no the studio isn’t big enough for anyone to get lost, but it is the perfect opportunity to get to know your possible student and their family and really give them an investment of time in their child from the moment they walk into your studio.

Our studio allows prospective students and their families to schedule a tour online through our website, or to just stop in when it is convenient. Offering scheduled tours is wonderful because it allows our staff to give them an extra warm welcome, greeting their child by name. We can also have information prepared for the family that highlights the class types that their child is interested in and are appropriate based on their age and/or experience. If they stop by, the only real difference is that we gather that info together in real time, instead of prior to the tour. 

Our staff is trained to make sure that the tour is being given to the student as much if not more than their parents. After all, we want to make sure our dancers always feel comfortable and happy to be in the studio. We never rush our way through a tour, making sure to stop and allow the family to linger a little by the classroom windows and chatting about what is going on in class, or pointing out our teachers and student teachers to give a quick overview of the student teaching program. 

Finally we give them the “orientation” part of the tour so that they know where they can purchase dancewear, find some snacks, or where to go for the restrooms. Encourage them to ask any questions, and allow for the time to answer them. We like to end our tours with some stickers for the little ones, and make sure to thank them for coming to the studio as well as letting them know that we look forward to seeing them again soon. In some situations, we may even get them registered right there on the spot! 

The whole idea of studio tours is to give prospective students and their families an idea of what it would be like to make your studio their dance home. It should be warm, welcoming, and about their needs as dancers. Here’s a quick recap of how to make your tour Prima Perfect:

  • Consider offering online tour scheduling. It allows you to personalize their tour!
  • Warm welcomes are key. No matter how crazy the studio is, your staff should always be happy to see a new student.
  • Make sure to focus on your prospective student during the tour.  Talk directly to them.
  • Don’t rush! Make the investment of time into every family that comes into your studio. 
  • Make sure every family leaves with information that is tailored to their dancer’s needs. 
  • Make sure they know where everything is located in the studio, and that any questions they have are answered. 
  • Thank them for coming! Stickers, especially these adorable Penny Prima stickers are the perfect way to get a smile from a little dancer once their tour is done!

We hope you’ll have fun putting together your own Prima Perfect studio tour!


Erin Sforza studied dance from childhood through college. She received a BA in both Musical Theatre Performance and History from the University of Tampa, and has utilized aspects of both degrees working in the hospitality industry, as an Event Coordinator for the Heckscher Museum of Art in Huntington, and as the PR/Marketing Coordinator and Group Sales Coordinator for the CM Performing Arts Center. She currently manages Public Relations for the Penny Prima® brand and Dance Connection.

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